SSLYBA Recreation League
A note about our Peewee division
For the 2025 season SSLYBA is looking to go back to girls softball and boys baseball in this coach pitch age. It has been awhile since we have had enough teams that it would make sense to separate. Please be aware when registering for peewee that there is the possibility we won't have enough teams to split and will remain a co-ed division. There is also the possibility of having a game or two against a team from a neighboring city.
Division Breakdown
Divisions are classified by the players CURRENT grade in school.
Totball - PreK, Ages 3-4
Teeball - PreK(if entering K in fall 2025) & Kindergartners
Peewee - 1st & 2nd Grade
Boys Minors - 3rd & 4th Grade
Girls Minors - 3rd, 4th & 5th Grade
Boys Majors - 5th & 6th Grade
Girls Majors - 6th, 7th & 8th Grade
Boys JR. Thurman - 7th, 8th & 9th Grade
SSLYBA's rec programs run between late April and mid July.
Practices will typically begin the last week of April depending on weather. Games begin in mid to late May and will conclude by mid July.
Please keep this in mind when planning vacations. It is not fair to the rest of the team if they have to forfeit their last game of the season during a July playoff due to lack of players in attendance.
Totball and Teeball teams will not begin until mid to late May.
Our home facilities, Volunteer Fields, are located at 4840 Oster Rd. in Sheffield Village.
Practices will be held at our home fields but may also take place at James Day Park or Ferndale Park.
When are practices and how often are they?
Typically teams in the Peewee and older divisions will see two days of practice a week. When games are in full swing that number may reduce based on the teams game schedule and field availability.
Practice days are variable and often based on our volunteer coaches availability. Most practices will be 90 minutes either beginning at 5:15 or 6:45pm
Teeball players will have 1 weekday practice a week and 1 game on Saturday morning.
Totball players do not have weekday practices, just Saturday morning combined practice/game.
How many games and where are they held?
Depending on the age level, there are typically 2 games per week once that part of the season begins. Games almost always fall Monday through Saturday and in very rare situations may be rescheduled for a Sunday to get makeups in.
Peewee is an 8-10 game season. Minors/Majors/Thurman is typically a 10-12 game regular season.
The only necessity for a player to have would be a glove. Teams are provided catchers equipment, extra bats and helmets. Please keep in mind though that league helmets would be shared items and we understand that not everyone is comfortable with that. If you would not like your player to share a helmet, please provide your own.
The league will supply all players with a team shirt and league hat.
Players will need to provide their own baseball/softball pants. Pant colors will be decided based upon the team they are on but typically baseball players wear grey and softball players wear black pants. This does not apply to totball/teeball as at that age baseball/softball pants are not as necessary.
Volunteer to Coach
If you would like to volunteer to coach please register under the programs tab. You will be required to submit a background check, paid for by the league.
Spring/Summer 2025
Register below for the 2025 spring/summer season! Registration closes April 1st!
Totball $50
Teeball $55
Peewee (coach pitch) $85
Minors $100
Majors/Thurman $110
*$10 Late fee begins on March 1st
Payment plans are available at checkout if registered before March 1st.
Please contact the GM prior to registering/paying if you have 3+ players in your household to register. We offer a discount.